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thank you, it was a pleasure
Thank you!
Thank you!!
do you isolate the teeth from another whlie restauration
what matrix do you use for the gingival interproximal emergence profile
what are the costs for the restauration of 1-6 teeth? is the mockup for free until the decision?
Can you mention a little bit of the application of Botox in bruxism case please?
how the brushes are desinfected or are they single use
Is there a special polishing paste you would recommend?
Thank you!
Do you prefer in office bleaching or at home bleaching before diastema closure?
In case of general abrasion can we rebuild teeth only with compozit?
What is done during the six month follow up appointments?
Thank you for your answer!
how many days do you wait after bleaching before restauration
When we are doing interproximal sides with emery paper i see gaps. What can we do to stop that
good evening! Congratulations about your presentation! Which is the technique for the pink composite at the soft tissues?
Thank you for an exciting presentation!
Which flat instrument did you use to place the resin material?
Thank you!
Could you send us the shades you used for each case ?
What kind of brush do you use for modelling the resin
What shades do you use in case of bleaching treatment besote?
Thank you for joining today’s webinar with Dr. Jusuf Lukarcanin. If you have any questions about today’s presentation, please write them in this chat box and they will be addressed during the Q&A session.